Not today
February 13, 2023•184 words
Despite it only being day four of my #100Days writing challenge, I really don’t feel like writing today. But that is the whole point of the challenge — to write even if you don’t feel like it — so, here goes…
The reason that I don’t feel like writing is that I’ve had a really long and tedious day at work. Today was the deadline for return my marks for my two first semester modules, which meant checking and transcribing marks, entering them on spread sheets, and writing reports on the outcomes. It might not seem like a big deal but, entering or transferring around 900 marks (the mark for each piece of assessment for each student needs to be recorded individually) and doing it accurately is, quite frankly, exhausting.
This incredibly tedious task was interspersed with a smattering of meetings about grant applications and teaching, which were helpful in breaking up the tedium.
Day four of one hundred.
This post is part of my #100Days writing challenge, in which I have challenged myself to write for 10-20 minutes for 100 consecutive days.