I don't want to write tonight

It‘a Friday night and we’re having a movie night with the kids (Guardians of the Galaxy, if you must know). And yet, my #100Days writing challenge demands that I write for ten minutes. So this is it.

At the end of a long week, I honestly don’t feel like writing — I just want to sit down with my family and watch a fun film. Friday nights are my time to switch-off and unwind. A welcomed respite between a hectic working week and a busy weekend of kids activities and household chores. So you’ll forgive me if I begrudge having to write this. Hopefully the words will come easier the more writing I do — at least that’s the idea.

Anyway, the house lights have dimmed and the movie is starting…

Day eight of one hundred.

This post is part of my #100Days writing challenge, in which I have challenged myself to write for 10-20 minutes for 100 consecutive days.

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